5 Reasons Why : Dogs

11:55 harriet 1 Comments

Five reasons why having a dog is a really good thing...

1. Dogs increase your mood! 
Spending just 5 minutes with a dog will help you feel more calm and relaxed, and it will reduce stress and increase happiness. Not only this, but playing with a dog increases your brain’s levels of dopamine and serotonin, both neurotransmitters associated with pleasure and tranquility. So if you struggle with a mood disorder or are just feeling a little stressed, finding a dog to play with will seriously help you!

2. Dogs make you laugh
Having a dog is a constant laugh, you literally will never have a week where your dog does something that won't make you laugh hysterically. 

3. Dogs will get you fit
The amount of walking and playing with your dog is a commitment everyone understands. But it's beneficial to us too, a half an hour walk burns up to 300 calories.

4. Having a dog helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Studies have shown that talking to and petting your dogs helps to lower human blood pressure.

5. Dogs will stay with you forever
Dogs won't leave you alone. Seriously.  No matter where you go they'll follow you because they just love you that much. They can easily sense changes in our emotions, which makes them perfect for when you're feeling down.


Small Things That Make Me Happy #MHAW15

11:43 harriet 7 Comments

This week 11th - 17th May marks Mental Health Awareness Week.  Mental health is something that affects all of us, whether that be experiencing it yourself or a member of your family or one of your friends. 1 in 4 of us experience mental health problems so it really is something we all need to start to raise awareness of and end the dreadful stigma surrounding it.

 As I'm affected by mental illness I always find it useful when I'm feeling down to remember the small things in life that make me happy, from spraying a bit of perfume to dancing. 

It's really important whether you're feeling just a bit down to feeling suicidal that you remember all the small things in life that make you happy.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you do feel like you may be experiencing some kind of mental health condition please please seek help!